The Crypto Medium A Cryptoverse navigator for all things Crypto. Fri, 31 Jan 2025 02:26:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The Crypto Medium 32 32 The Shrouded Monolith: How Wokism Hijacked Objective Truth, Occupied Western Civilization and Broke our Money. Fri, 31 Jan 2025 02:25:24 +0000

Hi Denizens, welcome back.

Lets start by taking a ride back a few decades.

“At some point in the 20th century we lost our way. The Liberal principles that made us free and prosperous were betrayed. A new political class, driven by collectivist ideologies, took advantage in times of crisis and saw the perfect opportunity to accumulate power. All the wealth created by capitalism, until then and into the future, would be redistributed through schemes of centralized planning, setting in motion a chain reaction with the disastrous consequences we are experiencing today.

By promoting a socialist agenda while insidiously operating within the liberal paradigm, this new political class distorted the values of classic liberalism, replacing freedom with “liberation”, using the coercive power of the state to forcibly redistribute the wealth created entirely by capitalism. Their justification for this was their sinister, unjust, corrupt, and abhorrent idea of “social justice”, complimented by theoretical Marxist frameworks aimed at “liberating” individuals from their needs.

At the core of this “value” system lies the fundamental premise that equality before the law is not enough, as hidden systemic injustices “exist” which must be rectified. This idea is a goldmine for those in the political, institutional, and bureaucratic class who aspire to omnipotence. This along with the total curruption of money, is fundamentally what wokism is about. The goal, and indeed the result, of this malicious agenda has the total reversal of western values. Each of our civilizations pillars have been replaced by distorted versions of themselves while its institutions dismantled into irrevocably corrupted into broken shadows of their former selves. This ideology of monolithic thinking, upheld by these twisted obscenities formed one united purpose; to penalize descent.

“White privilege”, feminism, M.A.I.D, LGBTQ+, Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, immigration, abortion, environmentalism, gender ideology, COVID lockdowns..etc, have all become heads of the same demonic beast, aimed a justifying state (govenment) expansion through the appropriation and distortion of these once noble causes”

The Dynamics of Truth: Objective vs. Fluid

Objective Truth: The Bedrock of Reality
Objective truth stands as the cornerstone of rational thought and discourse. Here’s what characterizes it:
  1. Universality: Objective truths are true regardless of personal beliefs, cultural biases, or emotional responses. The laws of physics, for example, don’t change whether you’re in Tokyo or Toronto.
  2. Evidence-Based: These truths are backed by empirical evidence, rigorous research, and often, peer-reviewed studies. They withstand scrutiny over time and across different contexts.
  3. Consistency: Objective truth does not change with the narrative. It’s consistent and can be replicated under the same conditions. If water boils at 100°C at sea level today, it will do so tomorrow.
  4. Neutrality: It does not serve to advance one agenda over another; it simply is. Objective truth isn’t concerned with being comforting or controversial; its sole allegiance is to accuracy.
Spoon-Fed Propaganda: The Art of Persuasion
Propaganda, on the other hand, is often designed not to inform but to influence or manipulate. Here’s how it typically manifests:
  1. Agenda-Driven: Propaganda serves a specific purpose or ideology. It’s crafted to promote a particular viewpoint or to achieve a political, social, or economic goal. Unlike truth, its allegiance is to an agenda, not accuracy.
  2. Emotional Appeal: Instead of relying on facts, propaganda often uses emotional language, vivid imagery, or sensationalism to sway opinions. It taps into fears, hopes, and biases.
  3. Selective Information: It might include some truths or half-truths but will omit information that doesn’t serve its purpose. This cherry-picking leads to a skewed representation of reality.
  4. Repetition: Propaganda gains strength through repetition. The more often something is heard, the more it’s believed, regardless of its veracity. This is the “illusion of truth” effect.
  5. Simplification: Complex issues are often boiled down to simple, digestible messages, which might oversimplify or misrepresent the situation to fit into a narrative that’s easy to swallow.
The Distinction in Practice
  • Source Verification: Objective truth can often be traced back to credible, multiple sources where the information is presented transparently. Propaganda might come from sources with clear biases or anonymous origins, with little to no transparency.
  • Critical Thinking: Engaging with information critically involves questioning the purpose of the information, who benefits from it, and what might be omitted. Objective truths encourage this scrutiny; propaganda often does not hold up under it.
  • Impact on Decision Making: While objective truths guide us towards informed decisions based on reality, propaganda can lead to decisions based on manipulated or incomplete information, often serving someone else’s interests.

The Battle

In the labyrinth of modern discourse, the concept of “fluid truth” has emerged not just as a philosophical idea but as a tool with profound implications for society. Here, we explore why fluid “truth” can often be wielded as an instrument of manipulation, particularly by those with agendas of control and power, and why objective truth remains its most formidable adversary.

A Mechanism of Manipulation

Malleability for Control: Fluid “truth” by its very nature is changeable, making it an ideal vehicle for those who wish to shape public opinion or narrative to their advantage. Globalist elites or any group with sufficient influence can mold this “truth” to fit economic, political, or social agendas, often under the guise of progress or necessity.
Disinformation Campaigns: In the hands of the powerful, fluid “truth” becomes disinformation or propaganda. By altering perceptions of what’s true, they can justify actions, influence elections, or even wage wars, all under the banner of a ‘truth’ that serves their interests.
Erosion of Trust: When “truth” becomes fluid, it breeds skepticism towards all information. This mistrust can be weaponized to undermine institutions, scientific consensus, or any opposition, leaving the populace vulnerable to control through confusion.
The Tyranny of Relativism: If all truths are fluid, then what’s to stop those in power from declaring their narrative as the predominant truth? This relativism can lead to a form of tyranny where might decides right, and dissent is dismissed not with evidence but with the assertion that ‘truth’ is subjective.

The Bulwark Against Tyranny

A Beacon of Clarity: Objective truth stands unyielding, offering a reference point that cannot be manipulated easily. It demands evidence, logic, and consistency, which are anathema to the agendas of those who thrive on ambiguity.
Empowering the Individual: Knowledge of objective truths arms individuals against manipulation. When people understand facts, they can question narratives, demand accountability, and resist undue influence.
Scientific and Moral Foundation: Many advancements in human rights, technology, and medicine are rooted in objective truths. These truths provide a foundation for ethical standards and progress, which fluid “truths” can undermine or delay for vested interests.
The Threat to Power: For those seeking to control, objective truth is dangerous because it can’t be bent to serve a narrative without evident falsification. It’s why totalitarian regimes first target academia, science, and free press — institutions that champion objective truth.

The Dynamics of Conflict

The conflict between these truths isn’t just philosophical; it’s fundamentally about power. Objective truth acts as a check against the abuse of power by providing a common ground for all, regardless of status or wealth.

Globalist Agendas: Often, globalist or elitist agendas rely on a managed consensus, where “truth” is tailored to ensure compliance with or passive acceptance of policies that might otherwise be questioned or opposed. Objective truths challenge these narratives by offering undeniable facts.
Cultural and Social Engineering: Through the manipulation of fluid “truth,” cultural shifts can be engineered, often bypassing democratic processes or debate. Here, objective truth serves as a reminder of what is, versus what is being promoted.
The Role of Media and Education: In this battle, media and education become both battlegrounds and weapons. Media can either propagate fluid “truths” or uphold objective reporting. Likewise, education can teach critical thinking to discern between these truths or indoctrinate with fluid narratives.

Tyranny's Groupies: The 33% Club

Let’s face it, folks, history isn’t just a dull subject we snoozed through in school; it’s a crystal ball showing us that a whopping 33% of humans have a bizarre love affair with tyranny. Yes, you heard that right. Here’s the lowdown on why some among us are just thrilled to throw objective truth out the window for a taste of the despot’s pie.

**1. The Comfort of Being Led: There’s something oddly comforting about not having to think for oneself. Why bother with the headache of making decisions when you can have a nice, strong leader tell you what’s what? It’s like choosing a guided tour over backpacking through the wilderness of free thought.

**2. The Illusion of Security: Tyranny often promises safety. “Give me your freedoms, and I’ll give you security,” says every dictator ever. And guess what? A good chunk of the populace nods in agreement, trading in their liberty for the illusion that nothing bad will happen if Big Brother’s watching.

**3. The Bandwagon Effect: If everyone’s jumping off the bridge of democracy into the river of authoritarianism, why not join the splash? There’s a peculiar human tendency to follow the crowd, even if the crowd is marching towards a cliff labeled “Loss of Rights.”

**4. Ignorance is Bliss: Who wants to deal with the complexities of truth when ignorance comes with such a peaceful ignorance? The bliss of not knowing or questioning means you can cheer for policies that harm you, all while smiling because, hey, someone else is handling the “thinking.”

**5. The Scapegoat Game: Tyrants love a good scapegoat, and so do their followers. It’s far easier to blame “them” (whoever they are this time) for all life’s problems than to face the mirror of self-responsibility or, heaven forbid, objective reality.

**6. Cult of Personality: Some people just love a celebrity, even if that celebrity’s main gig is oppression. The charisma of a tyrant can be intoxicating, making followers overlook pesky details like human rights abuses in favor of a leader’s magnetic smile or snappy uniform.

**7. The Thrill of the Forbidden: There’s a certain allure in supporting something that feels a bit naughty, a bit against the grain. Who cares about freedom of speech when you can be part of something edgy, like a regime?

**8. Denial as a Lifestyle: Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt; it’s a lifestyle choice for many. If the truth is too uncomfortable, why not just deny it? Climate change, economic disparity, or basic human rights – just ignore them, and they’ll surely go away.

**9. The Allure of the Strongman: There’s something about a man (or woman, but let’s be real, it’s often a man) in a sharp uniform or a well-tailored suit promising to fix everything. Who needs messy democracy when you’ve got a guy who says he alone can fix it?

**10. The Love for Simplicity: Life’s complicated, isn’t it? Well, not if you’ve got a tyrant. They boil everything down to black and white, us versus them. Who cares about nuance when you can have slogans?

**11. The Denial Den: Ignoring the truth is an art form for this crowd. Economic downturn? Fake news. Human rights abuses? Necessary for security. If it doesn’t fit the narrative, it’s out with the rubbish.

**12. The Echo Chamber Effect: There’s comfort in numbers, even if those numbers are marching towards a cliff. When everyone around you agrees that the dear leader’s new clothes are fabulous (even if he’s naked), why would you say otherwise?

**13. The Thrill of the Forbidden Fruit: There’s a rebellious streak in cheering for the underdog, even when that underdog is actually a top dog chewing on freedoms. It’s like being a fan of the villain in a superhero movie.

**14. Order Over Chaos: Sure, freedom’s great and all, but have you tried authoritarianism? It’s order, it’s structure, it’s telling you what to do, think, and say. For some, that’s a feature, not a bug.

**15. The Pied Piper Phenomenon: Leaders with a knack for storytelling can lead their followers anywhere, even into the jaws of tyranny. If the tale is captivating enough, who cares where the path leads?

Our Options

The Great Globalist Heist: Why Decentralism is Humanity’s True North

In a world where globalism has been sold to us like the latest must-have tech gadget, it’s time we hit pause on the playlist of promises and start listening to the track of truth. Here’s why decentralism, with its raw, unfiltered honesty, is not just a trend but a necessity for humanity’s future, wrapped in a fun but intellectually robust package.

The Globalist Illusion

Globalism: Picture this as a giant, corporate-themed amusement park. You enter, enticed by the promise of unity, efficiency, and progress. But soon, you notice:

One-size-fits-all policies: Ever tried buying one-size-fits-all gloves? They fit nobody. Globalist solutions often ignore local cultures, economies, and needs, leading to a misfit that benefits the few at the expense of the many.
The Elite’s Playground: At its core, globalism often means a few CEOs and politicians in back rooms deciding what’s best for everyone. It’s like a game of Monopoly where only a handful play, and the rest are just pieces on the board.
Loss of Identity: Like a smoothie blender, globalism mixes everything until you can’t tell one flavor from another. Cultural uniqueness gets lost in the homogenization process, turning vibrant local traditions into bland corporate spectacles.

Decentralism: The Truth Serum

Decentralism, on the other hand, is like choosing a craft beer over mass-produced lager. It’s about:

Local Empowerment: Imagine if every town could brew its own policies, suited to its unique taste. Local governance means decisions are made by those who actually live with the outcomes, not by distant entities with little to no stake in the game.
Innovation Over Imitation: In a decentralized world, innovation isn’t about following a global template but about crafting solutions that fit the local context. It’s like DIY versus IKEA – one size fits one, perfectly.
Resilience Through Diversity: Ever heard of not putting all your eggs in one basket? Decentralism spreads the risk. If one area faces a crisis, it doesn’t bring down the whole system. It’s like having multiple escape routes planned in a video game.

The Financial Revolution: Bitcoin vs. The Dollar

The Dollar (Globalism): The U.S. dollar, often seen as the face of globalist finance, has been printed like it’s going out of style, leading to inflation and wealth concentration. It’s like a central bank playing God with the economy, where the only rule is “We decide, you comply.”
Bitcoin (Decentralism): Here’s where it gets digitally delicious. Bitcoin represents a shift towards financial decentralism. It’s money that doesn’t ask for your permission to exist. It’s like giving the economy back to the people, where transactions are transparent, and no central authority can manipulate the supply.

The Light of Knowledge
Objective truth stands as the paragon of authenticity, unyielding in its nature and universal in its application. It isn’t swayed by personal biases, cultural differences, or the whims of power. This truth is:
  • Derived from a Higher Power: Whether through religious faith or a belief in a universal set of principles, it posits that there’s a truth beyond human constructs, one that transcends our understanding yet invites us to seek it.
  • Built on Critical Thinking and Deductive Logic: It encourages skepticism, not of truth itself, but of the claims made about it. It asks us to question, to reason, and to deduce, always aiming for the clarity of understanding.
  • Rooted in Humility: Recognizing that no single human or institution can claim to possess all truth fosters an environment where learning, growth, and correction are possible.
  • Dependent on Verification and Scrutiny: Objective truth thrives under examination. It invites evidence, welcomes debate, and stands up to the rigorous tests of science, philosophy, and moral inquiry.
The pursuit of objective truth is akin to climbing a mountain. Each step involves effort, the risk of faltering, but the view from the top promises a glimpse of the unadulterated reality. This journey, while arduous, is rewarding, leading to spiritual, intellectual, and perhaps even material wealth through the wisdom it imparts.
The Shrouded Monolith: The Shadow of Control
In stark contrast, The Shrouded Monolith represents the darker side of power dynamics in human societies. It’s a construct of:
  • Top-Down Centralization: Here, decision-making is not a democratic or communal process but a dictate from those at the apex of power, often cloaked in the guise of necessity or expertise.
  • Non-Transparency: Information is a currency, and this monolith hoards it, releasing only what serves its narrative, thus keeping the populace in a state of controlled ignorance.
  • Manipulation and Deception: Truth becomes malleable, shaped not by facts but by the desires of those in power. Propaganda replaces education, and misinformation becomes a tool for control.
  • Corruption: With power centralized, the temptation to use it for personal or group gain is immense, leading to a system where integrity is traded for influence.
This monolith is not just a structure but a mindset, where a select few, often termed “elitists,” craft realities to suit their agendas. They demand worship, not in the traditional sense, but through adherence to their narrative, their version of “truth” which serves to maintain their dominance.
The Eternal Struggle: Good vs. Evil
The clash between Objective Truth and The Shrouded Monolith can be likened to the narrative of good versus evil:
  • God and the Angels vs. Satan and the Demons: In this biblical analogy, objective truth aligns with divine will, promoting enlightenment, freedom, and the betterment of all. Conversely, the monolith mirrors the deceptive, self-serving nature of fallen angels, seeking dominion over others through lies and manipulation.
  • Contemporary Reflections: In our times, this struggle is evident in the dichotomy between movements advocating for transparency, freedom of information, and decentralization versus those that push for centralized control, surveillance, and the bending of truth to fit political or economic agendas.
The Consequences of Each Path
Choosing the path of objective truth leads to:
  • Enlightenment: A society that values truth will foster innovation, personal growth, and collective well-being.
  • Empowerment: When individuals are equipped with truth, they gain the power to challenge oppression and corruption.
  • Sustainability: Decisions based on objective realities tend to have long-term benefits for humanity and the planet.
However, succumbing to The Shrouded Monolith results in:
  • Stagnation: When truth is controlled, innovation is stifled, and society becomes rigid, unable to adapt or evolve.
  • Oppression: A populace kept in the dark is easier to control, leading to a loss of freedoms and rights.
  • Destruction: Policies and actions not based on truth can lead to environmental, social, or economic disasters.

The Catastrophic Consequences of Ignoring Truth

If globalism continues to mask its lies with promises of unity and prosperity, we’re looking at economic disparities, cultural erosion and environmental catastrophe:

Centrized planning and its one-size-fits-all policies can lead to significant global missteps while the requirements for a global agenda will never work work everywhere.

Conclusion: The Call to Action

The battle between Objective Truth and The Shrouded Monolith is not just philosophical; it’s a daily choice each of us makes. In an era where information is both abundant and suspect, the pursuit of truth demands diligence, courage, and a commitment to the principles of critical thinking, humility, and verification.
By choosing to seek and uphold objective truth, we not only resist the encroaching shadows of the monolith but also participate in a divine or universal struggle that has shaped human history. This isn’t just about preserving personal or collective integrity; it’s about ensuring that future generations inherit a world where truth can thrive, where the light of knowledge dispels the darkness of deceit, and where the human spirit is free to explore, to create, and to love in the light of what is genuinely real.
In this ongoing saga, let us not be bystanders but active participants, wielding the tools of truth, logic, and faith against the behemoth of control, manipulation, and corruption. For in this battle, the stakes are nothing less than our very humanity.


Direct control and manipulation of the money supply (M2) by A Central Bank.

Government spending (Theft) and taxation (Extortion).

Simply when they can no longer function together in order to achieve their intended goal. Its like when the break pedal suddenly starts acting like the gas pedal. 


Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are all the rage these days, with everyone from celebrities to your next door neighbor looking to get in on the action. However, it’s important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs is highly risky and speculative. The prices of these assets can be incredibly volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make any money by investing in them. In fact, you could easily lose everything that you put into them. So if you’re thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies or ICOs, make sure that you understand the risks involved and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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The Chainsaw President’s Fiscal Fiesta: How Javier Milei Slashed Argentina’s Deficit After 123 Years. Mon, 20 Jan 2025 00:38:04 +0000

Hi Denizens, welcome back.

Lets talk about The Renegades Guide .

In the land of tango and empanadas, where economic dramas have historically been more common than soap operas, a new character has taken the stage with a chainsaw in one hand and a spreadsheet in the other. Enter Javier Milei, Argentina’s libertarian president, who has managed to do what seemed as likely as finding a unicorn in the Pampas grasslands — he ended Argentina’s fiscal deficit for the first time in 123 years after just 1 year in office.

The Chainsaw Economics

Upon taking office, Milei didn’t just promise change; he brandished a chainsaw at every televised debate, symbolizing his intent to cut government spending faster than you could say “inflation.” And cut he did! From slashing the number of ministries to reducing subsidies that made even the most frugal economist blush, Milei’s approach was less “economic policy” and more “economic pruning.”
  • Government Ministries: From 18 to 8. That’s not just downsizing; that’s anatomical surgery on the body politic.
  • Subsidies: Gone were the days of cheap energy and transport. Suddenly, the cost of living rose, but so did the government’s coffers.
  • Spending Cuts: The public sector felt the pinch, with salaries frozen and pensions not keeping up with inflation, creating what some might call a “budgetary miracle.”

The Deficit: The Root of All Evil?

Milei’s statement, “The deficit was the root of all our evils—without it, there’s no debt, no emission, no inflation,” could be seen as a mantra for his economic philosophy. Here’s the breakdown:
  • Debt: Without a deficit, there’s no need for borrowing, which means no spiraling national debt.
  • Emission: By halting monetary emission (printing money), Milei aimed to stop the vicious cycle of inflation. When you’re not creating money out of thin air, the value of what’s already there might just hold steady.
  • Inflation: With no new money chasing the same goods, the theoretical pressure on prices should lessen, although in practice, it’s like trying to calm a wild horse with a whisper.

A Year of Living Dangerously

Milei’s reference to a “degenerate” printing 13% of GDP to win an election is a jab at his predecessor’s policies, which he blames for fueling inflation. His triumph in ending this practice is akin to slaying a dragon that had been terrorizing the Argentine economy:
  • Monetary Emission to Zero: This isn’t just fiscal policy; it’s a declaration of war on inflation. No new money means no new inflationary pressures, theoretically at least.
  • Sustained Fiscal Surplus: Achieving this without defaulting on anything is like walking a tightrope over a pit of economic despair without safety nets.
  • Historic Adjustment: Calling it the “greatest adjustment in history” might be a tad hyperbolic, but in the context of Argentina’s economic rollercoaster, it’s a significant loop-the-loop.

The Impact and the Irony

While the streets of Buenos Aires weren’t filled with confetti (more like a cautious sigh of relief), the impact of Milei’s policies has been profound. Yes, poverty rates have risen, and the social fabric has been stretched, but from an economic standpoint, the numbers speak for themselves:
  • Markets: They’ve responded like a crowd at a rock concert, with bonds and stocks soaring, reflecting newfound confidence.
  • Public Opinion: Milei’s popularity remains surprisingly intact, perhaps because, after years of economic turbulence, any form of stability feels like progress.

Javier Milei's Argentinian Chainsaw vs. Canada's Maple Syrup Swamp

Javier Milei, Argentina’s new libertarian icon, has taken to governance with the zeal of someone who’s just discovered the ultimate function of a chainsaw isn’t merely for cutting wood but for hacking away at the overgrown bureaucratic jungle of government excess. His approach, which could be described as “economic shock therapy” or “chainsaw diplomacy,” has certainly raised eyebrows worldwide, including in Canada, a country often seen as the polite cousin at the global economic dinner table.


The Milei Method: Could it Work in Canada?

  • Slash and Burn the Bureaucracy:   Milei’s drastic reduction in government size and spending might inspire Canada to take a look at its own bureaucratic bloat. Imagine if Canada started pruning its departments like they were overgrown hedges – the Department of Red Tape might be first on the chopping block. However, Canadians are known for their politeness; they might ask the bureaucracy for permission before even thinking about wielding a metaphorical chainsaw.
  • Economic Shock Therapy: Milei’s approach to shock the economy into health by drastically cutting public spending and subsidies has led to short-term pain for long-term gain in Argentina. For Canada, with its own issues like housing affordability and national debt, adopting such a method could be like trying to jump-start a car in the middle of a blizzard with jumper cables made of icicles. The shock might just freeze the system rather than reboot it.
  • Inflation and Monetary Policy: Milei’s war on inflation by curbing monetary emission might resonate with Canadians who’ve seen their loonies lose purchasing power. But Canada’s economy isn’t exactly Argentina’s; it’s more like comparing a beaver’s dam to a chainsaw massacre. A more nuanced approach might be needed; perhaps less about stopping the printing presses and more about ensuring what’s printed doesn’t go towards propping up the next big government project.
  • Populism and Public Sentiment: Milei’s appeal to the public with his anti-establishment rhetoric could influence political discourse in Canada. There’s a growing sentiment of dissatisfaction with traditional political parties here, too. However, while Milei’s style might inspire some to rally against the status quo, the Canadian way might involve more discussion groups, politeness, and perhaps a national apology for even considering such drastic changes.
  • Foreign Investment and Trade: Milei’s policies have already seen foreign investors taking a second look at Argentina. If Canada were to adopt a similar market-liberalizing stance, it might find itself in a position to attract even more investment. But, with a different economic landscape and closer ties to the U.S., Canada’s approach would need to be tailored, perhaps more like inviting investors to a polite tea party than a wild economic rodeo.

The Takeaway

While Javier Milei’s approach in Argentina might provide a dramatic plot twist in the narrative of economic policy, Canada would be wise to adapt these lessons. The idea of slashing government size, fighting inflation, and reigniting economic growth is universally appealing, but the Canadian version will likely involve a lot more consensus-building than chainsaw-wielding.

In the grand comedy of human governance, Canada might just choose to write its own script, one where the chainsaw is replaced by a well-crafted policy, and the shock therapy is administered with a soft touch, ensuring no one’s beaver pelt gets ruffled too much.


Direct control and manipulation of the money supply (M2) by A Central Bank.

Government spending (Theft) and taxation (Extortion).

Simply when they can no longer function together in order to achieve their intended goal. Its like when the break pedal suddenly starts acting like the gas pedal. 


Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are all the rage these days, with everyone from celebrities to your next door neighbor looking to get in on the action. However, it’s important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs is highly risky and speculative. The prices of these assets can be incredibly volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make any money by investing in them. In fact, you could easily lose everything that you put into them. So if you’re thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies or ICOs, make sure that you understand the risks involved and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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Th Million Dollar Moped Sun, 19 Jan 2025 23:30:30 +0000

Hi Denizens, welcome back.

I'd Like to tell you the story of the Million Dollar Moped

I want to tell you all a story about the 1 million dollar (US) Moped…..

A lot of people have heard this moped story, but here’s the math on it.

In 2016 a man needed $5,000 to pay his wife’s master’s degree school tuition. He didn’t have the $5,000 in cash at the time, but he did have bitcoin.

Bitcoin was trading at roughly $500, so he would have had to sell 10 bitcoin in order to pay his wife’s tuition. He didn’t want to do that so he sold his car instead for $5,500.

He took $500 of that, bought a shitty moped, and used the rest to pay his wife’s tuition. So he rode the moped around the rest of that year and everyone around him made fun of him. Usually he’d play this part of the story up, but to be honest, the reality is that it didn’t bother him.

Most of the people making fun of him were poorer than he was, they didn’t understand bitcoin, the market, how money works, or even basic budgeting.

When people would made fun of him, he would tell them why he was doing what he was doing. Next, he would start prepping them with questions about their financial life.

“Oh so you financed your refrigerator? You’re still paying that off huh?”

“You’re financing your car, the 5th one in 10 years? How much money does that come to again?”

“You have a timeshare you’ve never been to? How’d you get talked into that?”

People would generally ingnor or dismiss him. Those who didn’t would often go from laughing at him riding that ridiculous moped, to feeling shell shocked after he popped their bubble of comfortable delusion.

Still he drove the moped and everyone thought he was being weird, ridiculous,, daft ,and silly

Fast forward to 2024. At 100k, his decision is now worth 1 million dollars, well, 1 million 50 thousand to be exact.

In time, it will then be worth 10 million.

And at 10 million, in time, it will then be a nine figure decision.

…….100 million dollars…….

You see, He only rode that stupid moped for 8 months total.

So ask yourself? Would you face 8 months of sacrifice and ridicule for a potential 100 million dollar (US) future?

After all, there are things you could be doing today that would generate that for future you.

The moral of the story advice is for you to have your own moped moment.

Do something a little weird/cringe/out there in order to stack more sats and then check in on the sats in 10-15 years.

I think you’re going to be happy with the results.


Direct control and manipulation of the money supply (M2) by A Central Bank.

Government spending (Theft) and taxation (Extortion).

Simply when they can no longer function together in order to achieve their intended goal. Its like when the break pedal suddenly starts acting like the gas pedal. 


Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are all the rage these days, with everyone from celebrities to your next door neighbor looking to get in on the action. However, it’s important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs is highly risky and speculative. The prices of these assets can be incredibly volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make any money by investing in them. In fact, you could easily lose everything that you put into them. So if you’re thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies or ICOs, make sure that you understand the risks involved and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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The Renegades Guide to Economic Action: Mises, Saylor, and the Bitcoin Odyssey Fri, 10 Jan 2025 01:51:59 +0000

Hi Denizens, welcome back.

Lets talk about The Renegades Guide .

Welcome, renegades and degen. economic enthusiasts, to a journey through the cosmos of economics, where the dense tome of Ludwig von Mises meets the futuristic gamble of Michael Saylor on Bitcoin. Strap in your economic seatbelts because we’re about to dive into a narrative that’s part “Human Action,” part “Space Odyssey.”

The Misesian Manifesto

First, let’s set the scene with a bit of backstory. Ludwig von Mises, a man whose name sounds like it could be an alien currency, wrote “Human Action: A Treatise on Economics” in 1949. This book isn’t just any old economic text; it’s the economic equivalent of the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy – vast, insightful, and occasionally baffling. Mises argued that economic phenomena are the result of individual human actions, driven by subjective value judgments. He’s essentially saying that economics isn’t about numbers or graphs (though those are fun, too) but about the choices people make.

Enter Michael Saylor: The Bitcoin Pioneer

Now, let’s fast forward to the 21st century, where Michael Saylor, the CEO of MicroStrategy, decides to take a page out of Mises’ playbook. In a move that was either brilliant or bonkers (only time, the ultimate economist, will tell), Saylor announced that MicroStrategy would start buying Bitcoin in droves. By 2025, they’ve amassed over 200,000 Bitcoins, which, if you’re counting, is a lot of digital coins for one company to hold.

How Mises Meets Bitcoin

Here’s where the magic happens:
  1. Human Action in Digital Form: Mises talks about human action being the cornerstone of economic activity. Saylor’s decision to invest in Bitcoin is a classic case of human action – choosing Bitcoin over traditional cash reserves based on his judgment of its future value. It’s like choosing to invest in a spaceship rather than a horse-drawn carriage because, well, space is the future, right?
  2. Subjective Value and Bitcoin: Mises emphasized that value is subjective. What’s the value of Bitcoin? Well, that depends on who you ask. For Saylor, Bitcoin represents not just currency but a store of value, a hedge against inflation, and a bet on technological advancement. This aligns with Mises’ view that value isn’t inherent but derived from individuals’ perceptions and actions.
  3. The Free Market Experiment: Mises was a staunch advocate for free markets. Bitcoin, in its most ideal form, is a decentralized, free market where no single entity like a government can devalue your earnings through inflation. Saylor’s move can be seen as a grand experiment in Misesian economics – testing the waters of a currency free from central control.
  4. Praxeology in Practice: Mises introduced praxeology, the study of human action. Saylor’s strategy with Bitcoin is praxeology in action. He’s not just passively holding assets; he’s actively shaping MicroStrategy’s future by betting on what he perceives as the next big economic paradigm shift.

The Cosmic Conclusion

In essence, Michael Saylor’s bold Bitcoin acquisition strategy can be viewed as a modern-day application of Mises’ economic theories. He’s taking human action, driven by his subjective valuation of Bitcoin, in a market that’s as free as it gets. Whether this will lead to prosperity or a crash landing into the economic equivalent of the planet Vogsphere (which you don’t want to visit), remains to be seen. But one thing’s clear – it’s an adventure that would make Mises nod in approval, perhaps even from the other side of the economic galaxy.


So, as we navigate through this economic cosmos, remember: every action, be it buying Bitcoin or reading a 900-page economics book, is a step in the grand dance of human choice, value, and the pursuit of what we might call, in our own peculiar way, ‘economic enlightenment’.


Happy investing, or as we say in the galaxy of economics, “May your transactions be swift and your ledgers ever balanced.”


Direct control and manipulation of the money supply (M2) by A Central Bank.

Government spending (Theft) and taxation (Extortion).

Simply when they can no longer function together in order to achieve their intended goal. Its like when the break pedal suddenly starts acting like the gas pedal. 


Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are all the rage these days, with everyone from celebrities to your next door neighbor looking to get in on the action. However, it’s important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs is highly risky and speculative. The prices of these assets can be incredibly volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make any money by investing in them. In fact, you could easily lose everything that you put into them. So if you’re thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies or ICOs, make sure that you understand the risks involved and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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Is Canadian Government Really its Economy’s Savior? Or Is it Just A Parasite? Fri, 15 Nov 2024 18:44:06 +0000

Hi Denizens, welcome back.!

Lets talk about The Disaster, AKA Canada


This article is Inspired by @JustinTrudeau@cafreeland , @theJagmeetSingh @BlocQuebecois , @CanRevAgency , @bankofcanada and yes, and even the great messiah and bringer of rain, @PierrePoilievre


“It’s Grade 11 Math” @FossGregfoss , and there’s no stopping this train. 📉

Although they may not personally be aware, Trudeau, Freeland, and even Singh’s egos can’t recreate the laws of mathematics, physics, and thermodynamics. Every Fiat currency in history has failed and you all need a reality check.

🚨**SPOILER ALERT** 🚨; We may not be rich, but are not stupid.

The Global monetary system is already insolvent, fiscal and monetary policy have diverged, and the Canadian fiat dollar is goin to zero. It’s a slow motion rug pull on the tax-payer and that’s the plan.

It’s mathematically impossible to pay off the deficit in Canada, let alone the debt, without inflating our money on purpose and lying about it. THEREFORE, it’s a mathematical certainty that the government will debase our dollar to $0.00 in order to accomplish this.

As such, its on you, Pierre. You need to do one of five things. Continue the scam and re-value commodities, create a new monetary system, join BRICS, adopt the US dollar, or peg our trash currency to #Bitcoin

Good luck!

In any case, on to the article.

Ah, the government – that glorious entity that it claim’s fuels our economic engine. Let’s be real here: if the economy were a car, government would be the oil leak you just can’t fix, constantly draining resources and leaving a mess for others to clean up. Here’s why the government isn’t the engine; it’s the economic parasite:

The Great Regulator

Businesses and individuals are the true creators and innovators. From the Wright Brothers to Silicon Valley, innovation thrives outside government control. Meanwhile, what does government contribute? Regulations that might as well be innovation kryptonite. While regulation is necessary for consumer protection, environmental safety, and fair competition, an excess can be stifling.

Over-regulation has created epic barriers to entry for new businesses, increased costs for existing ones, and chased out innovation. The compliance costs associated with navigating complex regulatory environments has been a particularly burdensome disaster for small businesses, which are the engines of job creation and innovation, thus hampering economic agility and growth.

  • Example: Soviet Union, where innovation was as dead as disco, with the state controlling every aspect of economic life, resulting in bread lines instead of bread lines at tech expos. The Canadian version of this may be sold as a woke utopia, but its no different.

Cost Maximization (Or, How to Spend Like a Drunken Sailor)

If there were an Olympic event for spending money poorly and bein non-transparent about it, governments would win gold every time. Businesses, on the other hand, strive for efficiency because they have to make a profit. Citizens and businesses drive the economy by creating demand and supply. Government? They’re like that friend who throws a party with your money and invites everyone except you.

The Government might allocate resources based on political considerations rather than economic efficiency. This can lead to investments in projects or industries that are not necessarily economically viable or beneficial in the long term. For instance, subsidies to inefficient industries, or projects chosen for their political appeal rather than economic return, can drain resources that could have been better used elsewhere. This misallocation can stifle more dynamic sectors of the economy that would naturally flourish with less intervention.

  • Example: Compare the economic stagnation under Mao’s Great Leap Forward with the economic miracles in post-WWII Japan, where government intervention was minimal compared to private sector growth.

Terrible Services - A Masterclass in Mediocrity

Why do private sector services generally outperform public ones? Because competition. Ever tried getting a passport renewed in a hurry? You’d have better luck asking a sloth for a sprint. Healthcare in countries with heavy government intervention often results in long waits and rationed care.

Governments are often criticized for their inefficiency due to bureaucratic overhead. The process of implementing policies or projects can involve numerous layers of approval, which slows down decision-making and action. In contrast, private sector entities are driven by profit motives, which push for efficiency, quick decision-making, and innovation. This bureaucratic inertia can lead to delayed economic growth, as initiatives might take years to come to fruition, by which time market conditions might have changed.

  • Example: Look at Cuba, where healthcare is government-controlled, versus Singapore, where the private sector plays a significant role, leading to better service quality, even with government oversight.

Incompetent Health Care and Education

Government-run healthcare and education systems often suffer from one-size-fits-all approaches, leading to inefficiency, lack of choice, and in Canada’s case, become government indoctrination agency’s. Think of education for example, where innovation is stifled by bureaucracy and ideological possession. And the result? The production of angry and dumb globalists, waiting for instructions from the government, ready to inform on their neighbors.

When governments monopolize services like healthcare, education, or utilities, there’s often a lack of competition which can lead to inefficiencies, lack of innovation, and poor service quality. Without the pressure to compete, there’s less incentive to improve or innovate. While some argue for the necessity of government-provided services for equity, the outcomes in terms of efficiency, innovation, and sometimes even quality, can lag behind what competitive markets might offer. Examples include long wait times for medical procedures in some countries with fully public health systems or the stagnation in public education systems where choice is limited.

  • Example: The U.S. has a mix, but look at areas with high government control in education; they often lag behind states where private schools and charter schools thrive.

The Innovation Vacuum

Governments are notorious for creating policies that inadvertently kill innovation or make it too cumbersome for startups to thrive. The red tape can strangle even the most resilient entrepreneur.

Government borrowing, especially when it leads to high deficits, can increase interest rates. This phenomenon, known as the crowding out effect, occurs when government borrowing drives up the cost of borrowing for private entities. Higher interest rates can discourage private investment in business expansion, new ventures, and infrastructure, which are crucial for economic growth. Essentially, government borrowing can starve the private sector of capital it needs to grow.

  • Example: North Korea vs. South Korea. The former, with 100% government control, remains a technological backwater. South Korea, with its vibrant private sector, is a global tech leader.

Conclusion: The Less, The Merrier

In an era with less government interference, like the roaring 20s in the U.S. or the economic miracles in Asia post-war, we see economic dynamism. Conversely, in times or places where government control was absolute, like in Maoist China or the Soviet Union, economic vitality was about as lively as a graveyard.

While government does play essential roles in economic stability, infrastructure, and addressing market failures, these points illustrate how, in some contexts, its actions can inadvertently hinder rather than help economic vitality. It’s crucial to strike a balance where government intervention supports rather than supplants the dynamism inherent in free markets and individual enterprise.

So, next time someone tells you government is the engine of the economy, just remember: the real drivers are the entrepreneurs, the workers, and yes, even the consumers. The government? It’s just there for the ride, often making it less smooth.


Direct control and manipulation of the money supply (M2) by A Central Bank.

Government spending (Theft) and taxation (Extortion).

Simply when they can no longer function together in order to achieve their intended goal. Its like when the break pedal suddenly starts acting like the gas pedal. 


Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are all the rage these days, with everyone from celebrities to your next door neighbor looking to get in on the action. However, it’s important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs is highly risky and speculative. The prices of these assets can be incredibly volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make any money by investing in them. In fact, you could easily lose everything that you put into them. So if you’re thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies or ICOs, make sure that you understand the risks involved and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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Cycles, Currency, and Change: How Four Visionary Books Predicted Our Time Fri, 15 Nov 2024 14:27:47 +0000



In the vast, often bewildering tapestry of human history, where events seem as unpredictable as the weather on a planet where the sun refuses to set, a few thinkers have dared to predict the storms before they brew. Four books, each penned by a modern-day soothsayer, have laid out frameworks that eerily mirror the current global scenario, offering not just a narrative of our times but a roadmap for what lies ahead. Let’s embark on a journey through the visionary predictions of William Strauss and Neil Howe’s “The Fourth Turning,” Lyn Alden’s “Broken Money,” Jeff Booth’s “The Price of Tomorrow,” and Ray Dalio’s “The Changing World Order.

The Fourth Turning: The Cycle of Crisis

Strauss and Howe’s “The Fourth Turning” introduces the theory of generational cycles, where history unfolds in predictable, repeating patterns. Their work, published in the late ’90s, posited that America (and indeed much of the Western world) was entering what they termed the “Fourth Turning” – a period of crisis.

  • Predictions for Today: The books foresaw a time of upheaval where society would face a significant challenge, possibly a war, an economic collapse, or a profound cultural shift. Here we are, amidst a global health crisis, economic instability, and a rising sense of political and social fragmentation. The generational conflict, with Millennials and Gen Z pushing back against the established norms, aligns with their prediction of an Awakening phase escalating into a Crisis.

  • Future Forecast: According to this cycle, we are in the throes of this crisis, which will culminate in a new order. Post-crisis, there would be a “High” – a period of rebuilding and unity. However, the specifics of what this new order might look like are left tantalizingly vague, much like predicting the flavor of the soup humanity will cook up with the ingredients left after the storm.

For example,

The prior fourth turning was the 1930s/1940s. The current one is 2010s/2020s (roughly). Various macro shifts, monetary system resets, and so forth are there. No wonder existing institutions break down. Quantifying things is helpful.

Broken Money: The Economic Underpinnings

Lyn Alden’s “Broken Money” dives into the intricate dance of modern economics, focusing on how technology and debt have distorted monetary systems.
  • Predictions for Today: Alden warned of the consequences of unsustainable debt levels and the artificial inflation of asset prices, predicting a potential reckoning for economies reliant on ever-increasing debt. Today, we see this in the global debt crisis, the volatility in stock markets, and the general unease about the sustainability of our economic systems.

  • Future Forecast: The future, as per Alden, involves a re-evaluation of what money is, potentially leading to a new monetary standard, whether that be cryptocurrency, a return to commodity-based systems like gold, or something entirely unforeseen. Her vision includes a world where economic policies must adapt to technological deflation, suggesting a future where efficiency gains from technology could lead to deflationary pressures, challenging central banks’ traditional roles.

The Price of Tomorrow: Embracing Deflation

Jeff Booth, in “The Price of Tomorrow,” argues that technology inherently drives prices towards zero, advocating for an embrace of deflation as a path to abundance.

  • Predictions for Today: Booth’s book predicted the rise of automation and AI, leading to widespread job displacement due to technological advances. We’re witnessing this with automation in industries and the gig economy’s expansion, where traditional jobs are being replaced by more efficient, often digital, alternatives.

  • Future Forecast: Booth sees a future where, if we can manage the transition, we could live in an era of abundance with lower costs due to technology. However, this requires a seismic shift in how we view work, wealth, and economic policy. The challenge lies in navigating this transition without exacerbating inequality, which could lead to social unrest if not managed with foresight and equity.

The Changing World Order: The Rise and Fall of Empires

In this grand economic narrative, the US and NATO’s failures aren’t just plot points; they’re pivotal moments pushing the world towards a more multipolar currency system. This shift isn’t just about currency; it’s about the redefinition of economic power and influence on the world stage. As we watch this unfold, one thing is clear: the financial world is embracing change, seeking stability, and perhaps, a more equitable distribution of economic power. While the US dollar has been the cornerstone of global trade for decades, the combination of decades of terrible geopolitical decisions, economic policies, and strategic failures have opened the door for the emergence of a new system. Maneuvers by BRICS, for better or worse, could herald the rise of a new era in global finance. While the dollar might still have its day in the sun, BRICS is rising fast. Backed by gold, bitcoin, and commodities, BRICS is offers promising a new dawn in global finance backed by tangible assets. It’s like promising a new dawn where the economic sky isn’t monopolized by a single star. Only time time will tell how this new economic constellation forms.

Synthesis: The Interwoven Predictions

When we weave these predictions together, a complex but coherent picture emerges:

  • Immediate Future: We are likely in a phase where economic, technological, and generational forces are colliding, creating both crises and opportunities. This convergence could lead to a period of significant global restructuring, where old systems are challenged, and new ones are born amidst chaos.

  • Long-term Vision: The long-term future might see a decentralization of power, not just in governance but in how we think about wealth and work. The embrace of technology could lead to a society where the scarcity mindset gives way to abundance, provided we manage the transition ethically and equitably.

  • Adaptation and Resilience: The key theme from all these works is adaptation. Societies that can adapt to technological deflation, generational shifts, and changing global dynamics will thrive. Those that cling to outdated models might find themselves at a disadvantage.

In conclusion, these authors have not just predicted the current world events but have provided a lens through which we can view the future. Their works remind us that while history might not repeat, it often rhymes. Humanity, with its penchant for drama and unpredictability, continues to follow these rhythms, sometimes dancing gracefully, other times stumbling. But as any good guide would say, “Don’t Panic.” The future, while uncertain, offers a chance for renewal and innovation, provided we’re willing to read the signs and adjust our sails accordingly.


Direct control and manipulation of the money supply (M2) by A Central Bank.

Government spending (Theft) and taxation (Extortion).

Simply when they can no longer function together in order to achieve their intended goal. Its like when the break pedal suddenly starts acting like the gas pedal. 


Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are all the rage these days, with everyone from celebrities to your next door neighbor looking to get in on the action. However, it’s important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs is highly risky and speculative. The prices of these assets can be incredibly volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make any money by investing in them. In fact, you could easily lose everything that you put into them. So if you’re thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies or ICOs, make sure that you understand the risks involved and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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From Dollar Dominance to BRICS Emergence: The Shifting Sands of Global Finance Thu, 31 Oct 2024 23:17:04 +0000


Lets talk about The Economic Conundrum

In the intricate dance of economic policies, harmony between monetary and fiscal strategies is pivotal for stability. However, when these policies diverge, the economic landscape can become fraught with unpredictability’s, leading potentially to what economists might term as an “economic crack-up boom,” and in extreme cases, to paradoxical effects of government debt management.

understanding the Divergence

Hey There, Denizens: Imagine if five misfit kids on the economic playground decided to team up, start recruiting the Emo’s, Loners, Nerds, and Floaters. Then they decided to form a gang with the purpose of taking out Jocks, Queen bees, Mean girls and Hipsters? That’s BRICS.
If you haven’t heard, BRICS Isn’t a construction company and its not building houses. In the intricate dance of global economics, where every step can signal a shift in power, the US dollar has long been the lead dancer. However, recent geopolitical maneuvers and economic strategies have begun to change the choreography, ushering in an era where the BRICS ( originally, Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, but now many more) alliance might just steal the show. In the world of finance – where “BRICS” might have conjured images of LEGO sets or construction sites, the reality is that it’s a geopolitical and economic powerhouse. Instead of laying bricks and mortar, it’s reshaping global economics, leading to the current surge in gold, bitcoin, and other commodities. This article delves into how the perceived failures of the US and NATO are paving the way for this transformation, potentially leading to a new or additional global reserve currency backed by tangible of assets.

The Fall from Grace

The once mighty US dollar, basking in the glow of global reserve status, now finds itself under threat, and perhaps in the twilight of its dominance. How did it come to this, you might wonder?
The Sanctions Paradox
The US has wielded economic sanctions like a Jedi uses the Force. However, this has unintended consequences. Imagine this: the US and NATO decide to flex their geopolitical muscles through economic sanctions. While this strategy might have immediate political benefits, it’s akin to using a sledgehammer to crack a walnut. The result of which has become a double-edged sword. While aimed at curbing the actions of adversaries, these measures have inadvertently encouraged an expedited move away from dollar dependency. Nations on the receiving end of sanctions, particularly Russia, have their access to global finance is threatened, new allies in finance form, looking towards BRICS as a more welcoming harbor in the storm of global trade. It’s like telling someone they’re not welcome at your dinner party; they’ve just chosen to make dinner party of their own where the food is good and the company is better.
The Inflation Conundrum
Inflation isn’t just a number; it’s a narrative of eroding trust. The US dollar’s value has been on a seesaw, with inflation rates climbing higher, reducing its allure as a stable reserve currency. Inflation is like that one guest at the party who talks too loudly about their yacht. With rates playing the role of the unwanted guest in many economies, BRICS countries are increasingly stockpiling gold and bitcoin, which have become the quiet corners where people hide to escape the noise. As the dollar’s value erodes, it loses its allure as a stable reserve currency, which is attracting more countries to BRICS.
Debt Ceiling Dramas
The US government’s habit of playing chicken with its debt ceiling has turned into a recurring soap opera. Each episode, where the world watches to see if the US will pay its bills, chips away at the dollar’s credibility. This recurring drama over the US debt ceiling has turned from a spectacle to a sign of underlying instability. Each episode of brinkmanship with default has cast shadows on the dollar’s reliability, prompting a global rethink on where to park financial reserves. The US’s recurring debt ceiling saga is less “thrilling financial drama” and more “predictable sitcom rerun.” It’s like watching a magician perform the same trick over and over again; eventually, the audience gets wise to the act.
The Petro-Dollar’s Dimming Star
Remember when oil was the dollar’s best friend? That relationship is cooling off. The petrodollar system, where oil transactions were predominantly in US dollars, was a pillar of dollar dominance. Well now this pillar is showing cracks. It’s akin to seeing the first signs of wear in what was thought to be an indestructible foundation. It’s as if the dollar went from being the prom king to just another face in the crowd, especially as other countries explore trading oil in different currencies or even Bitcoin. With the expiration of key agreements and the rise of alternative energy, the petrodollar system is not the powerhouse it once was. The agreement with Saudi Arabia to price oil in dollars was like having the best seat at the global economic opera. Guess where Saudi Arabia is looking now? With whispers of alternative BRICS currency arrangements for oil, the dollar’s special status is fading faster than a cheap dye job.
NATO’s Strategic Stumbles
Every alliance has its moments, but recent NATO dynamics have been less “strategic” and more “let’s see what sticks.” This perceived weakening has led allies and adversaries alike to hedge their bets, with some turning towards the BRICS for stability.

The BRICS Ascendancy

Gold – The Safe Haven
Gold, once the dollar’s lover but now its ex, is now back in vogue. For more than five thousand years, gold has been the silent witness to economic turmoil, and now, BRICS nations are turning to it as a strategic asset. BRICS nations are amassing gold reserves, not just for the shiny allure but as a strategic move to back their new currency. It’s a bit like returning to an old flame that you know will never let you down, providing stability in times of economic turbulence. By increasing their gold reserves, they’re not just diversifying; they’re laying down the groundwork for a currency system that promises stability, backed by something more tangible than the digital and paper promises of fiat currencies. While the dollar’s value has been dancing to the tune of economic policies, BRICS nations have been quietly accumulating gold. It’s like they’re preparing for a financial doomsday where gold remains one of the “last men” standing.
Bitcoin and Commodity Backing
Beyond gold, BRICS is exploring the backing of their currency with various commodities as well as bitcoin. This move towards a commodity-based currency system offers a stark contrast to the dollar, which has been backed by the “full faith and credit” and “promises” of the US government. Commodities have an intrinsic value, making them attractive in times when faith in currencies falters. As for Bitcoin, well, its the greatest asymmetric trade in human history and the new digital cool, especially in countries facing economic instability. BRICS nations, with their tech-savvy populations, are increasingly adopting these as alternatives to traditional finance. It’s like choosing a house built on solid ground over one built on sand, especially when the sand starts to shift.
The BRICS Influence
BRICS collective economic influence is pushing nations to rethink their asset allocations, favoring commodities and Bitcoin. The BRICS economic alliance is already bigger than the G7, and its growing. As the US and NATO navigate through turbulent geopolitical waters, BRICS has emerged as a beacon for countries looking for alternatives to Western-dominated financial systems. Their narrative of cooperation, development, and mutual respect is gaining traction, much like a new social club that promises more than the old guard. With the US and NATO’s star dimming in certain global quarters, BRICS shines brighter. Its economic influence is growing and it crafting a narrative of inclusion and cooperation. It’s akin to a new club forming in town, offering memberships with benefits that the old club can’t match. As with all narratives, there’s both truth and lies but either way, they’re not just an economic group; they’re becoming a gravitational center pulling in nations tired of the old order.
De-Dollarization Movement
De-dollarization isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a movement. Its no longer a whisper in economic corridors; it’s a loud and clear strategy for many nations. It’s like seeing everyone at a party start to mingle in different groups, no longer just around the host’s favorite corner. The push to reduce reliance on the dollar is not just about economic strategy but also about asserting financial sovereignty, and It’s a global trend with BRICS at its forefront. This system is offering a different recipe for economic collaboration. Countries that want to diversify away from the dollar, or escape it all together, will soon have this option. I some cases its out of well deserved spite, but in others, its out of necessity and strategy. Countries are finding comfort in numbers, and BRICS provides that cozy economic alliance. It’s not just you hoarding gold because you think it’s shiny; central banks within BRICS are buying gold to fortify their reserves, reducing reliance on the US dollar.
Financial Innovation
BRICS feels like upgrading from a flip phone to a smartphone when everyone else is still trying to figure out how to text. It isn’t just looking to replicate the old system; its innovating. From the New Development Bank to discussions on digital currencies, they’re crafting a financial ecosystem that is challenging dollar hegemony. The innovation being produced by this growing alliance is like introducing a new operating system to a market long dominated by a single software. And BRICS isn’t just resting on its laurels. Their objective is to bypass traditional dollar dominance, and they might just do it. BRICS countries are not just talking; they’re doing. BRICS is setting up the scaffolding for an alternative financial system

Conclusion; A New Currency Dawn

In this grand economic narrative, the US and NATO’s failures aren’t just plot points; they’re pivotal moments pushing the world towards a more multipolar currency system. This shift isn’t just about currency; it’s about the redefinition of economic power and influence on the world stage. As we watch this unfold, one thing is clear: the financial world is embracing change, seeking stability, and perhaps, a more equitable distribution of economic power. While the US dollar has been the cornerstone of global trade for decades, the combination of decades of terrible geopolitical decisions, economic policies, and strategic failures have opened the door for the emergence of a new system. Maneuvers by BRICS, for better or worse, could herald the rise of a new era in global finance. While the dollar might still have its day in the sun, BRICS is rising fast. Backed by gold, bitcoin, and commodities, BRICS is offers promising a new dawn in global finance backed by tangible assets. It’s like promising a new dawn where the economic sky isn’t monopolized by a single star. Only time time will tell how this new economic constellation forms.


Sadly, what we are experiencing today may not have happened to you, but have happened hundreds of times over thousands of years. Manipulation in money leads to the interplay between monetary and fiscal policy which ALWAYS end up diverging. When divergent, this leads to complex economic phenomena like crack-up booms and the counterintuitive stimulatory effects of high interest rates. These scenarios underscore the need for transparent and coordinated policy measures that consider both immediate economic impacts and long-term stability. Managing extreme government debt within this context requires not just economic ingenuity but also political will to undertake potentially unpopular, unconventional, and in most cases, “extreme” reforms. The lessons from such economic scenarios are clear: Abandoning sound money in exchange for fiat manipulation eventually leads to currency collapse. Policy coherence, vigilance on debt, and a forward-looking disciplined approach to economic management are essential to avoid these inevitable pitfalls of economic instability.

**Please note, this article offers a conceptual exploration based on economic theories and hypothetical scenarios, as real-world economic dynamics can be influenced by many variables, obviously not fully captured here.


Direct control and manipulation of the money supply (M2) by A Central Bank.

Government spending (Theft) and taxation (Extortion).

Simply when they can no longer function together in order to achieve their intended goal. Its like when the break pedal suddenly starts acting like the gas pedal. 


Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are all the rage these days, with everyone from celebrities to your next door neighbor looking to get in on the action. However, it’s important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs is highly risky and speculative. The prices of these assets can be incredibly volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make any money by investing in them. In fact, you could easily lose everything that you put into them. So if you’re thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies or ICOs, make sure that you understand the risks involved and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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Inflation, in a nutshell, is the government’s sneaky way of saying, “Hey, remember all that money we borrowed? Well, now we’re going to make each dollar you earn worth less so we can pay it back with devalued currency.” Here’s the breakdown:


Government DebtGovernments often borrow money to fund various projects, wars, or just to keep the lights on when tax revenues fall short. This borrowing increases the national debt.

Printing More Money: One way to manage this debt is by printing more money (or in modern terms, digitally creating more currency). This isn’t as simple as running the printing press; it involves complex financial operations like quantitative easing, where central banks buy government securities to inject money into the economy.

The Value of Money: When there’s more money chasing the same amount of goods and services, the value of each unit of currency drops. This is inflation – the rise in the general level of prices.
Impact on the Poor and Working Class: For those living paycheck to paycheck, inflation means their wages buy less than before. They need to work more hours or get a pay raise just to maintain the same standard of living. However, wages often don’t rise as quickly as inflation rates.
Interest Rates: To combat inflation, governments or central banks might raise interest rates, which can cool down the economy but also makes borrowing more expensive. This affects those who need loans for houses, cars, or education, again disproportionately impacting lower-income families.
Taxation by Inflation: Inflation acts like a hidden tax. While nominal tax brackets might remain static, inflation pushes people into higher tax brackets (bracket creep) without an actual increase in real income, effectively increasing their tax burden.
Debt Repayment: For the government, this means that while they owe the same amount in nominal terms, the real value of the debt they need to pay back decreases. If inflation is at 5% and they owe $1 trillion, after one year, that $1 trillion in real terms is less burdensome because the value of money has decreased.
In essence, inflation can be viewed as a mechanism where the government, through monetary policy, shifts some of the burden of its debt onto the shoulders of the populace, particularly those least able to absorb the increased costs of living. It’s like making everyone run faster just to stay in the same place, while the government takes a leisurely stroll behind, enjoying the scenery of economic theories. 

🚨 Inflation Alert 🚨

Govt: whispers “Psst, we borrowed a bunch. Now, we’ll just make your dollars less valuable so we can pay it back with monopoly money. Shh, don’t tell the peasants!”

Here’s how they do it: 🎩💸 #EconomicMagicTricks


Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are all the rage these days, with everyone from celebrities to your next door neighbor looking to get in on the action. However, it’s important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs is highly risky and speculative. The prices of these assets can be incredibly volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make any money by investing in them. In fact, you could easily lose everything that you put into them. So if you’re thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies or ICOs, make sure that you understand the risks involved and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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THE DECENTRALIST VLOG SHORTS 4: BRICS Thu, 31 Oct 2024 21:22:53 +0000


🌍🎒 Imagine if five economic misfits teamed up, started recruiting the Emo economies, the Loner markets, the Nerd countries, and the Floating currencies. Together, they form a gang with one mission: to dethrone the Jocks (US), Queen bees (EU), Mean girls (G7), and Hipsters (NATO) of the global playground. That, my friends, is BRICS in a nutshell. 🏆
EconomicRevolt GlobalShift



Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are all the rage these days, with everyone from celebrities to your next door neighbor looking to get in on the action. However, it’s important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs is highly risky and speculative. The prices of these assets can be incredibly volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make any money by investing in them. In fact, you could easily lose everything that you put into them. So if you’re thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies or ICOs, make sure that you understand the risks involved and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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Lets talk about The Economic Conundrum

In the intricate dance of economic policies, harmony between monetary and fiscal strategies is pivotal for stability. However, when these policies diverge, the economic landscape can become fraught with unpredictability’s, leading potentially to what economists might term as an “economic crack-up boom,” and in extreme cases, to paradoxical effects of government debt management.

understanding the Divergence

Monetary policy, managed by central banks, involves controlling the money supply and interest rates to influence economic growth and inflation. Fiscal policy, on the other hand, pertains to government spending and taxation. Ideally, these policies work in tandem; for instance, during a recession, a central bank might lower interest rates (monetary easing) while the government increases spending or cuts taxes (fiscal stimulus).

A divergence occurs when these policies produce the opposite effect. For example, a central bank might raise interest rates to combat inflation in response the government’s fiscal policy intent to stifle growth. But instead of creating a “cooling” effect, it produces a stimulatory mess.

The reason for this in a word; Debt.

In the US for example, with 135% debt to GDP, the government owes so much money (now greater than its entire military budget) that its interest payments to its lenders (government bond holders) end up adding M2 (cash) supply to the economy.

Symptoms of an Economic Crack-Up Boom

  1. Hyperinflation or Rapid Price Increases: When fiscal policy is too expansionary, and monetary policy fails to counteract it effectively, too much money chases too few goods, leading to significant inflation or even hyperinflation.

  2. Asset Bubbles: Excess liquidity, which can result from loose fiscal policy not aligned with tight monetary policy, often finds its way into asset markets, inflating prices of real estate, stocks, and other assets to unsustainable levels.

  3. Currency Devaluation: If investors lose faith in a country’s economic policies, the result can be a rapid devaluation of the currency, further exacerbating inflation as imports become more expensive.

  4. Public and Private Debt Accumulation: With policies encouraging spending over saving, both government and private debt might skyrocket, creating a precarious debt bubble.

  5. Erratic Consumer Behavior: The uncertainty might lead to hoarding of goods or speculative buying, expecting future price increases, which in turn fuels the boom.

High Interest Rates as a Stimulus?

Traditionally, high interest rates are used to cool down an overheating economy by making borrowing more expensive, thus reducing spending and investment. However, in a scenario where government debt has reached extreme levels, high interest rates can have an unconventional stimulatory effect:

  • Confidence in Debt Repayment: If high interest rates are seen as a strong commitment to control inflation, it might restore investor confidence in the currency and government bonds. This confidence can lead to increased foreign investment, paradoxically stimulating economic activity.

  • Interest Payments as Income: For economies where a significant portion of the population holds government bonds, higher interest rates mean more income from these bonds, potentially increasing consumer spending.

  • Currency Appreciation: High interest rates can attract foreign capital looking for better returns, leading to an appreciation of the currency. While this might hurt exports, it can reduce the cost of imports, potentially stimulating domestic consumption.

  • Fiscal Discipline: The burden of high interest on government debt might force a government into more disciplined fiscal policies, reducing wasteful spending and focusing on efficiency, which might, in the long run, stimulate productive economic activity.

The Manifestation of Extreme Government Debt

When government debt reaches extreme levels, the traditional tools of economic management start to behave unpredictably:

  • Debt Monetization: Central banks might be compelled to buy government bonds (effectively printing money) to keep interest rates manageable, leading to inflationary pressures.

  • Sovereign Debt Crisis: High debt levels might lead investors to demand even higher interest rates to compensate for perceived risk, creating a feedback loop that could culminate in default or drastic economic measures.

  • Policy Paralysis: The government might find itself unable to implement necessary but painful reforms due to the immediate adverse effects on the economy, further deepening the crisis.


Sadly, what we are experiencing today may not have happened to you, but have happened hundreds of times over thousands of years. Manipulation in money leads to the interplay between monetary and fiscal policy which ALWAYS end up diverging. When divergent, this leads to complex economic phenomena like crack-up booms and the counterintuitive stimulatory effects of high interest rates. These scenarios underscore the need for transparent and coordinated policy measures that consider both immediate economic impacts and long-term stability. Managing extreme government debt within this context requires not just economic ingenuity but also political will to undertake potentially unpopular, unconventional, and in most cases, “extreme” reforms. The lessons from such economic scenarios are clear: Abandoning sound money in exchange for fiat manipulation eventually leads to currency collapse. Policy coherence, vigilance on debt, and a forward-looking disciplined approach to economic management are essential to avoid these inevitable pitfalls of economic instability.

**Please note, this article offers a conceptual exploration based on economic theories and hypothetical scenarios, as real-world economic dynamics can be influenced by many variables, obviously not fully captured here.


Direct control and manipulation of the money supply (M2) by A Central Bank.

Government spending (Theft) and taxation (Extortion).

Simply when they can no longer function together in order to achieve their intended goal. Its like when the break pedal suddenly starts acting like the gas pedal. 


Cryptocurrencies and ICOs are all the rage these days, with everyone from celebrities to your next door neighbor looking to get in on the action. However, it’s important to remember that investing in cryptocurrencies and ICOs is highly risky and speculative. The prices of these assets can be incredibly volatile, and there’s no guarantee that you’ll make any money by investing in them. In fact, you could easily lose everything that you put into them. So if you’re thinking about investing in cryptocurrencies or ICOs, make sure that you understand the risks involved and only invest what you can afford to lose.

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