How to Prepare For The Financial Storm in 3 steps.


THE FIRST STEP is accepting that this is now our responsibility, and not the government’s, to save ourselves.

THE SECOND STEP is to make more income

THE THIRD STEP is to protect the wealth you have already created.



I’m not a fincial advisor,
but i can help you keep your shirt,
So if you’re seeking financial advice,
Your feelings will be hurt

You’re sitting at home, minding your own business when you get a call from your best friend. They sound panicked and they’re rambling on about how there’s a financial storm headed our way and we need to prepare for it.

You tell your friend that he’s not a Forbes advisor and to hang up the phone and get some fresh air. But then you think to yourself, “What the heck are they talking about? There’s no such thing as a financial storm. I can gain access to my checking account looks good, electronic payments are woking and I’m still making my 0.00001% interest rate”

But then you start to think about it more and you realize that your friend might be on to something. You remember all of the times the government has said they would help us in a financial crisis, but they never do.

As the world economy degrades into something resembling a great recession you also remember hearing about how inflation is rising to epic levels and things are getting more and more expensive.

Even though your other family members don’t seem concerned, you start to feel a pit in your stomach as you realize that your friend might be right and there is a financial storm headed our way.

The future seems uncertain. But don’t worry, you’re a savvy person and you know how to prepare for this. Here are three steps you can take to help prepare yourself and your family for the coming financial storm.

There’s no sugar-coating it, the sh!t is about to hit the fan and we need to be prepared.

I’m not talking about stockpiling on Spam and toilet paper, how to save money in your savings account or pay for your credit card debt. I’m talking about but preparing our finances for what’s to come.

Inflation is skyrocketing, and many experts believe we are on the brink of a financial “unwinding” of epic proportions. Either resulting in a deflationary death spiral that completely collapses the economy or a Venezuela style Hyperinflation that governments will use to sneak in a CBDC

But what does this mean?

Well, for starters, even if we’re close to a direction that’s moving us towards the Weimar Republic or Zimbabwe level of hyperinflation, then all the advice that your getting from the boomer or greatest generation members of your family is completely upsidedown.


So, what can we do to protect ourselves?

In order for the whole family to be mentally prepared for the coming financial storm, there are a few things every person needs to know. Whether inflation continues at its current pace or gets worse — entering into hyperinflation and stagflation. Or, we get a massive crash deflation everywhere the eye can see. It doesn’t matter which scenario happens, because it’s disastrous if we are not prepared.

Economic collapse and financial crises will impact all aspects of your life and those of your family members. Medical bills and medical care, car insurance, grocery bills, monthly bills and other small bills, job loss; etc… When disaster strikes

Don’t save your money in your bank account
Don’t race to pay off your non variable debt
If you don’t have a Bitcoin, silver, gold or precious metals emergency fund, now is the time to start one.

Why? Because Hyperinflation makes money worthless and therefore your debt worthless. but it also makes your cash in hand worthless

But, If we’re headed for a deflationary death sprial then your Boomer and GG family member is spot-on;
For any small debts that have variable interest rates, get out of them
Stack physical Cash outside of the bank
Intensify and scale up your debt consolidation

So, How can you do protect yourself? 

Taking these three steps will help you prepare for the coming financial storm and give you a better chance of weathering the storm. So don’t wait, take action today and get prepared!

Let’s say you’re a savvy person,

and you know that a financial storm is headed our way. You know that the government isn’t going to save us, no matter how many times they promise they will. So what do you do? take action! Here are three steps you can take to help prepare yourself and your family for the coming financial storms.


The Government Isn’t Going to Save Us. Since the government is directly responsible for manipulating financial resources, eroding financial health, creating an economic crisis and leading the financial collapse. Do you honestly think that the government is capable of a mass rescue Op?

The first step is accepting that this is now our responsibility, and not the government’s, to save ourselves.

This may seem like a no-brainer to you,

But most people are still under the impression that the government will help them in their time of need. They think that because they pay taxes, the government is obligated to provide services to help them out. But that’s not how it works.

The government is not interested in you or me, Their concern is self-preservation. This means that they care about the central banks and a few select “too big to fail” corporations.

They are not going to save us. Whatever intervention that does occur, you can guaruntee that you are not the concern. We have to take responsibility for our financial well-being. If we hand over control to the government, we will lose it forever.

“There is nothing more permanent than a temporary government solution”.

The second step is to make more income.

Side hustle… therere art endless ways to do generate side income. But yes, you’re going to hacve to step it up and work a little harder, aspecially in the begining. Joe brown from Heresy Financial says it best, the possibilities are endless with the right planning.

If we want to be prepared for a financial storm, we need to have more money coming in. There are a few ways to do this, but one of the best is to invest in yourself. Invest in your education, in your skills, and in your career. The more you invest in yourself, the more valuable you will become, and the more money you will make.

Expenses don.t need to be drastic to create small companies, businesses, and side hustles. Technology has reached a point where you only need a small amount to get going.

The third step is to protect the wealth you have already created.

This level of financial planning can be done in a number of ways, but one of the best is to diversify your investments.

Don’t put all your eggs in one basket, as they say. Spread your money around, so that if one investment fails, you have others to fall back on. Ideally, you want exposure to real estate, Bitcoin, precious metals, art, and collectibles. You want some cash but not a lot; perhaps 2 to 4 months of “incidentals”.

Savings account don’t work long term. You money is being debased at arate never before seen in our time. Banks and Governements are responsible so don’t look to them for help. If you’re earning 0.001 to 3% in your bank but inflation is between 8-18% depending on who you believe, why do this to yourself?  

To add insult to injury, the Bank defines you as an unsecured creditor which essentially means in a financial collapse/storm, your money isn’t yours and you have no rights because you’re lower life form.

I have gotten my money out of the bank…. Not financial advise!

Finally, a bonus step for those who want to do more than just prepare for the financial storm. This step may seem counter productive  but hear me out;

The idea is to give as much as you can to people you believe in. You may not need help,  but if you have the means, consider giving someone the opportunity to help you. Whether its hiring a person to do odd jobs or maybe or more regular work. Giving a person a leg up by presenting them  with opportunities to improve thier circumstances benefits everyone.

If we all start doing this now, if we can make a small difference these people lives, we can help to make the financial storm a little less devastating for everyone.

So there you have it, three steps to prepare for the financial storm. Now get out there and take action!

Remember this is not the time to stock up on pepper spray, gas masks, ammo, and an aid kit. The necessary supplies you need are all online, well, stocking up on the odd canned goods wouldn’t hurt either.

The most important thing you can do to prepare for the financial storm is to make a plan

Have it in place so you know what to do when things start to get tough. Spend wisely, and associate with like-minded people.

This may include things like getting a second job or starting a home business, downsizing your lifestyle and cutting your spending or finding ways to make extra money and plan for at least six months.

Figure out what you need to do to survive, and make sure that everyone in your family knows the plan. This way, if the worst does happen, you’ll all be prepared and know what to do.

These are just a few steps you can take to prepare for the financial storm. Take action now and be prepared for whatever comes our way. The last thing you want to do is be caught off guard by the financial storm.

So there you have it, three steps to prepare for the financial storm. Now get out there and take action! The most important thing you can do is to make a plan and be prepared. Take action now and be prepared for whatever comes our way. The last thing you want to do is be caught off guard by the financial storm.

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