about this site

Don’t think of your fiat money as sound “Money”. It is not. Think of it as a “government issued debt certificate undergoing slow-motion default through inflation”. This is the truth and -“if you don’t advocate for the truth, you are the problem”- Jeff Booth.

There’s more information and links on this site then you could ever hope to absorb, but this isn’t the point. My goal is to lay out the content in a way that helps you tune out the main stream narratives and white noise. To develop your own tools and explore this  ecosystem with confidence.

Does this look familiar to you?...

your first week in crypto

your first bullrun

your first bear market

your first rug pull

nice to meet you.

My Name’s Erik. I’m a single parent in my 40’s. like many of you I spent years seeing the prices things “go up”….. Feeling that I had to work harder and harder, making more money or cutting my spending, just to keep up. I also don’t “own” a home.. you know, the perceived image of wealth, independance and finacial security?…-the bad news is that its kind of true, but the good news is that it mostly not; bubt you’ll understand what i mean as you explore- Anyways, I’m remiss; My frustration continued to build and my confusion continued to swell. Then COVID hit and everything changed. I don’t know exactly how or why but it all just “clicked”, and not subtly. More like a “baseball bat to the face” kind “click”.   

I’ll start with some history… 2020 was a hard year for all of us. Some of us were hit far harder than others, but we were all affected. For me it was a wakeup call. I know its a cliche metaphore but I honeslty I felt like Neo during his first encounter with Morpheus. Amungst the many massive changes I began making, I entered the cryptoverse for the first time. Soon after; the bull run started. But the honeymoon didn’t last long. First, I got scammed, then I got rugged and finally, like most in this space I was ambushed by the bear market. I took 10k to 500k then back to 40k; in a few months. 

I’ve spent the last 2 years focusing every moment of my spare time learning about this space. I’ve taken excessive risk, made some big mistakes, trusted the wrong information, and learned some hard lessons. But the truth is that ive learned. I want to share this knowledge with you and arm you with the right weapons. I am commited to helping you navigate this amazing space safely,wisely and prosperously.

If you have specific questions, please feel free to connect with me. If you’re looking for a more guided experience feel free to book a consultation. Lastly, if youre looking to make lifestyle changes that extend beyond the cryptoverse, check out my sister site in the link below, and connect with us over there… Have fun, be safe and explore


I was deeply frustrated and pessimistic about my future and the future of my Daughter but didn’t know why. The, through a chain of events sparked by COVID p[olice in Canada, I realised and accedpted that main stream media, institutions, acadamia, politics and and banking are cracking at theirt foundations if not broken already. Their endless moves to consolodate power and centralize authority combinded with their pathological need to drain the life force out of our Fiat motivated me to agressively search ofr answers. I found them

Bitcoin, the blockchain, metaverse and web 3.0 are very fast paced and complicated ecosystems. This technology is growing exponentially and in all directions. the intent of this site is to keep pace by acting as a gateway

I want to add value by producing relevant, sinple and practical posts in all things crypto while guiding you to high quality and trusworthy resources. Some will be free and some will not, but I won’t write about anything that I haven’t used myself or had direct exposure to.

The content and links in this gate site I’ve created for you offer far more information that you could ever use, but this isn’t the purpose. Use this site as a toolbox. First read some articles, find an interest, then explore. When ready, find the right tools for the job you need to get done. 

MY Motivation IS to help Provide answers

Call to Action

Your time and opintion is as valueable to me as money. please send me an email, donate or both. 

You can find community, purpose and inspritation right now, you don't have to wait.

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