Bitcoin; A New Hope For Canada

I’m not a special advisor and this is not special advice

So if you’re looking for a special advisor, I will certainly not suffice

Merely a humble truth seeker; for a truth that nobody owns

Not your’s, mine, or their truth, but a truth that has no clones

In a world that’s unsettling and hazy, where the outcome is not very clear.

By stcking your Bitcoin and chilling, there’s much less that you have to fear.

“I truly believe that the government has contempt for the people. I don’t believe this it’s ‘of the people for the people at all. I believe that the government thinks we’re a bunch of idiots who need to be told what to do and who should shut up and follow instructions. And they’re not wrong. The problem is that they’re a bunch of idiots also. Idiots on ego trips with instiutal power”

– Lex Fridman

Scenario; Why Bitcoin is a new hope for canada...

You wake up one day to find that the government has frozen your bank account. They claim that you have been donating to a terrorist organization, and they are not going to let you access your money or your life savings or pay your bills. You know that this is not true, but there is nothing you can do to prove it, nothing you can do to prevent it, and nothing you can do to object or resist it. But is this true?

Before bitcoin, not really. But now that we have this technology at our fingertips, Bitcoin can really be a new hope for Canada.

In January-March of 2022, the Canadian federal government made history.

With a surgical level of precision, integration, and control, they quickly rallied their state-funded media, academic, healthcare, banking, insurance, policing, and telecommunications institutions to forceblebly suppress a peaceful protest that they characterized as a violent racist insurgency.

Successfully demonizing the entire group of trucker protestors and manipulating the entire narrative would be impressive for any standard dictatorship, But Canada stepped it up to a whole new level.

Canadian Leadership managed to corrupt an entire cluster of laws including the process required for instituting A War Measures Act-a process generally reserved for a foreign invasion or civil war.

Once the Canadian government spooled up their War Measures Act (The Emergencies Act), they quickly collaborated with their Media, Police, and Central Bank to act on a plan to annex donations and invade every Canadian bank account.

This was a coordinated effort to demonize, seek out and financially destroy anyone they decided were violent dissidents. They were able to do this with complete impunity and without recourse. 

the honorable MP freeland

What is very interesting about this period and this speech in particular is that they had the power to decide for themselves what was legal and what was criminal without any oversight or recourse. They also allowed the banks to freeze accounts without accountability or recourse.

Suffice to say, the Canadian government, in collaboration with a few international corporations, and domestic retail banks managed to confiscate all donations to the protestors globally, access the bank accounts and personal data of all individuals involved in both demonstrations and donations, and either lock them out of their bank accounts or send them to jail.

Not only did the Government freeze the accounts of donators, they also prevented these people from accessing insurance and paying their bills.

Remember- These people are all Canadian citizens, taxpayers, and voters who did not have criminal records until the government decided that they were domestic terroristis or contributing to a terrorist movment. No evidence just an opinion.

If you know anything about bitcoin, then you know that this situation is a perfect example for its use case.

I Live in Down Town Ottawa

I walked my daughter to school every day during these protests and here’s what I can tell you. If your only source of information was the TV, mainstream news, or parliament, then you weren’t getting the real story, not even close to what was happening.

Admittedly, the horn stories during the first week were true, the mainstream was backing the Priminister’s narrative and gaslighting Canadians.

The only violence and aggression that I and my 15-year-old daughter experienced came from the police, other Ottawa residents, and Anti-protestors. The vilest and most childish behavior came from residents, students, and government officials.

Even more alarming and beguiling to me personally is that most people living in Ottawa had no clue what was happing with the overwhelming majority believing the “misogynistic, homophobic Nazi” narrative that was spun by the ruling political party.

Here are some personal photos that I took.

I don’t know much about violent, misogynistic, racist, homophobic terrorist insurgents but these people didn’t look like them to me. 

So I couldn’t see any but maybe you can;

How did this happen?

Canada is a waning democracy filled with failing Institutions that are becoming increasingly corrupt. 

As sad and repulsive as this permanent stain on Canada’s reputation has been, what’s potentially truly disturbing and ugly is that -Apparently- 71% of Canadians righteously thought this was a good idea and supported the Governments actions in this case.

Let that value sink in for a minute….. 71% of Canadians polled believed that our government applied acceptable force to this protest.

So what is it about Canadians, are we stupid? Do we have no foresight? Are we ideologically possessed, radical leftist crazies? Are we communists? Are we ignorant, entitled, and naive? Are we simply passive-aggressive, weak, and evil people at heart?

The short answer is obviously and of course no.

But why then? Why would any group of so-called intelligent, sovereign-minded, freedom-loving people think that invoking martial law and violating a laundry list of civil rights this was a good idea?

The statistical polling looks clear at face value so the answer appears to be 1 or all of 3 reasons; 1) Mass confirmation bias, 2) Manipulated opinion polling or 3), Both.

If you live in the nation’s capital, Ottawa. and it was your only reference then you’d think that 90% of Canadians agreed with the government’s actions. However, If you were to travel to Calgary the opinion would be the opposite.

With 4 of its 5 represented political parties being virtually identical to each other, Canada’s population is extremely left-leaning ideologically and politically. Despite this, polling is a centralized, mutable, and nontransparent process that is wide open for manipulation- in my opinion.

Maybe it is me, but I refuse to believe that the people of my country are this naive;

Now that we have established that the current status quo in Canada is a far cry from ideal, let’s explore how Bitcoin can help.

Bitcoin has the potential to improve the economy, environment, and keep the government out of our business.

1) Improve the economy

Canada is filled with rich energy sources that cannot be physically accessed. These locations are so remote that roads can’t be built, wires can’t be run and ships can’t regularly access them. In other words, the population can’t access or use these resources.

Bitcoin, however, changes this. All we need to do is build on-site mining facilities with internet towers, powered by the resource

This would allow us to monetize our energy and send it to ourselves. What an amazing opportunity t for the Canadian government and private businesses to create vast wealth and jobs.

The nature of the Bitcoin network would allow for more direct and efficient transactions, which would ultimately lead to more money staying in the pockets of Canadians.

2) Improve the environment

Remote bitcoin mines with on-site internet connections will immediately monetize the energy they extract and send it on a decentralized, transparent, and immutable Ledger.

It will have zero emissions, a zero carbon footprint, and directly monetize energy from sources that are impossible to access and exploit with conventional technology.

Bitcoin will also help improve the environment by providing a way to transact without the need for paper or metal money.

3) Keep the government out of our business

Bitcoin can help keep the government out of our business by providing a way to transact without the need for a third party. Every third party we use today is in collaboration with the federal government.

I don’t mean regulation in general, Just bitcoin. Government oversight and regulation are extremely valuable and immeasurably important for stability in virtually all cases, however, they don’t deserve to have the authority and power to lock you out of your money or manipulate its value. Bitcoin accomplishes this.

Bitcoin allows for more direct and efficient transactions. These transactions are transparent and traceable. This is fantastic for auditing and efficient for governments to trace for Tax purposes.

I suppose the Canadian Government doesn’t take issue with Bitcoin’s transparency concerning how and where Canadian citizens spend money. The problem they likely have with Bitcoin is that this transparency works in both directions, and they have no way of ever directly controlling its value.

In other words, we can also see what they’re spending money on and why also.

Perhaps they don’t want their third-party influence and authority to be reduced as this would ultimately lead to less government involvement in our lives. Maybe there’s an abnormally large portion of Canadian citizens who want a big centralized government to support them, lie to them, and them what to do. Maybe they are happy with the Idea of owning nothing.

In my conclusion, Bitcoin has the potential to help Canada’s freedom and free market in a variety of ways. It is up to us Canadians to decide whether or not we want to take advantage of this opportunity.

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